March 30, 2009

super mario hand farts

It will all make sense once you see the video

March 20, 2009

community spirit

It's great when the internet can still make me laugh

March 13, 2009

March 07, 2009

big frikkin spider

This dude was hanging outside the house when I got back from doing groceries. I can't be certain, but I think I heard it whistling to itself.
Smug little bugger.

For the record, from tip to tip, it's a little over 6cm.

March 06, 2009


Melbourne got hit by a mild earthquake this evening. It was all over Twitter within minutes.
I know I say it a lot, but technology is cool.

In other news, my folks have broadband! I can finally use remote assistance without a lag long enough to make a cup of tea.
Very exciting... the earthquake and the broadband

February 25, 2009

woman calls cops over cheeseburger

Have a listen to this:

February 21, 2009

February 18, 2009


I sat down to watch the latest episode of the Simpsons.
During the opening title sequence, I thought to myself "I wonder when they're going to update this. It's been around for a hell of a long time and is really starting to look old and dusty".

Turns out, I'd already seen this episode, I just hadn't updated the media library to show the latest file.

When I started watching the real latest episode, I was pretty amazed to see the whole thing in wide screen HD. New title sequence and new look for the show itself.
Did my subconscious pick up something in the news about this, or am I some sort of precog?
Either way is neat.

It remains to be seen whether the new format will compensate for the writing that has slowly dropped away over the years, but it's a nice change for now.

February 07, 2009

pomegranate * update *

I was at the supermarket today and saw that they now give out instruction guides on how to open the stupid things.

December 08, 2008

the future of movies

dad in e.timor

I think this is a pretty neat pic

November 23, 2008

only gordon freeman can save us now

So back in September before the LHC was turned on, Reddit sent an emergency package to CERN with the message "Get this to Gordon Freeman, he'll know what to do".
Turns out they got the package:

(Who's Gordon Freeman?)

October 30, 2008

October 08, 2008

tilt shift

I saw a cool video on Gizmodo today and it made me want to do the same... except taking less time.... and not as a video... without spending any money on a lens.

Ok, it made me want to emulate it without any effort :)

This is a photo we took in New York. With a bit of Photoshop magic, it looks like a model from a dodgy 70s Superman movie.

Neat huh?

September 17, 2008

happy birthday cocksucker

I got a cool pressie from Deb this morning!

August 22, 2008

it's a guy thing, you wouldn't understand

(mobile email)

August 15, 2008

photo test post

I can't wait till Google (or someone) makes a blogger iPhone app.
Maybe then you'll be able to write a post and then add a photo as an
afterthought instead of planning ahead.
At the moment, the only way to attach a photo to an email is to
actually start in the gallery. If you write the email first, there's
no option to add a photo later!
Just one more annoying quirk that Apple overlooked.
Well, they either overlooked it, or Steve Jobs decided that this is
the way that people should be working from now on.

iPhone test post

(mobile email)

July 22, 2008

July 10, 2008

ken lee...
