Showing posts with label mobile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mobile. Show all posts

March 09, 2008

riding home

royal exhibition building

February 17, 2008


Just filling in time, waiting for Deb.

January 24, 2008

off to nz

Deb and I are hitting Dunedin for a couple of weeks including three days cycling through central Otago. Should be nice if a little tiring.

January 16, 2008

andy roddick v michael berrer

It's 9.10pm and 18 degrees. Normally it wouldn't be too bad, but I've gotten used to the 28 degree evenings. I'm cold and Deb's lips are turning blue.

australian open

We got some pretty good seats tonight. First game is Sharapova v Davenport.
I might post some more pics later.

January 09, 2008

this burger is too big

January 08, 2008

it's good to have options

Best when firm or soft.
So which is it? Should I eat them when I first get them, or wait a week until they get mushy.
I hate being confused by food.

January 07, 2008

pointing out the obvious

So, what other options do pedestrians have?

January 05, 2008

at least it was early in the ride

I was on my way to the gym on a SATURDAY when this happened. Bugger

December 18, 2007

meetings are suck

December 01, 2007

nice tree...

This from the fashion capital of Australia.

November 29, 2007

i'm assured it's hygenic

I came back from grabbing some lunch to find that desert had been supplied.
Shame it was my favourite red stapler.

Now I'm going to have to set the building on fire.

November 18, 2007

and we're back

Nice day in Melbourne, tired as shit, photos to follow

October 27, 2007


This is going to be my view for the next 8 hours.

OK, now I'm done.

October 26, 2007


I have a feeling I'm not going to keep up this rate of posting, but I'll do my best.
Started well: missed our train by about a minute, so had to get a cab. I'm pretty sure the first thing cabbies learn when they get of the plane is that the ONLY way to get anywhere is to take the CityLink. Seriously, if you ask them to take another route they revert to their childhood and forget their grasp of English.

Off to customs now.

Peace out.

October 17, 2007

national ride to work day

Scored a free breakfast this morning as part of the "National Ride To Work Day". It was good to see so many people riding in to work today, but it also made me wonder where the hell they are every other day of the week!
We usually pass only a handful of cyclists on the way to work in the morning and seeing hundreds more today showed that loads of people are capable of doing it, yet would rather sit on a train or drive to work.

It lead me to assume that most people only rode in today to be part of something instead of trying to stave off an early death due to FATNESS.

Sorry, I'm not a fan of people who do things like catch the lift to avoid a single flight of stairs or fat people who drink 2 litres of diet coke to make them feel better about the choloate they had for breakfast.

Hmm, that didn't end as planned. Here's a picture:

August 04, 2007

laundry day

Haha, this is cool.
We let the washing build up cos it's a hassle to dry towels and sheets without a clothesline. That means that we take a trip to the laundromat now and then which totally beats having towels hanging over every chair, table and cupboard handle in the flat. Also, now that I finally have a new mobile, I can surf the net or update this thing. I guess I could always read a book, but this is a lot more fun :)

It kind of reminds me of MC Hammer's Blog, which he regularly updates from his mobile. The last time I checked in he was using a sidekick, but after queueing up with the rest of plebs, he's now using an iPhone. Good to see he can slum it like everyone else.