Showing posts with label linkage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label linkage. Show all posts

December 14, 2007

maybe the coolest thing in the world

Create your own plastic 3D models with this:

Product page

I love the idea of being able to print out my own Angelina Jolie action figure.

December 07, 2007

8-bit christmas

This is in downtown Madrid (Spain for you less worldly types).

Thanks to Gizmodo and Clipset

December 07, 2006

fart brings down a passenger jet

Well, not directly, but the woman who droppped one was lighting matches to hide the smell.

BBC News

October 27, 2006

world record set in dunedin

A new world record was set at my old primary school today.

Dunedin can now claim to hold the record for "The longest human tunnel for a dog to run through"

I feel so proud.

October 26, 2006

bird food

A pelican in St James Park, London ate a pigeon in front of a bunch of tourists.
There's something about this that is both hilarious and really creepy at the same time.

Read the article

October 23, 2006

yanks crack down on aussie drug of choice

In yet another example of the fucked up bureaucracy in the US, Aussies are being searched for Vegemite on entering the country. Apparently, it falls foul of food laws that allow folate to only be added to breads and cereals.
To be honest, I never eat the shit myself (I'm from the Marmite camp), but to interpret the law to the extent that you can't even bring it into the country for your own use puts it in the same league as cannabis.
I suppose Vegemite could be seen as a gateway food, leading people to try harder foods, like peanut butter, or even that scourge of the American diet: honey!

Read the article here

Verdict: The FDA are dicks

nes online

Remember the old NES with cartridges the size of a video tape? You probably also remember having to blow dust off the pins to get them to load up.
vNES has almost 300 games you can play online, without having to install any emulators before playing. All you need is Java 5, which most people should have by now anyway.

October 10, 2006

toxic waste now available in strawberry!

If you saw jelly at the side of the road, would your first concern be that you would gain super mutant powers like x-ray vision or stretchy arms and possibly glow once the sun went down?

Jelly mistaken for toxic waste

What's wrong with the world when a well known dessert brings fear and panic.

Now banana cake, there's some scary shit.

September 08, 2006

another aussie icon gone

Bloody hell, they're dropping like flies over here!
Reports are saying that Peter Brock has died in a car crash in WA.

September 04, 2006


This just in:
There is a rumour that Steve "The Crocodile Hunter" Irwin has met his maker.

Update to follow

Update: It's now on The Age website which lends a little credibility to the rumour. It sounds like he got a stingray's barb through his chest.

I guess he was always going to go out doing something a bit different. I can't see him being satisfied with a simple car crash, or falling down some stairs.

He was definitely a character, I'll give him that.

September 03, 2006

disapproving rabbits

The title says it all.

Disapproving Rabbits

August 24, 2006

August 09, 2006

once were still are warriors

So there's a bit of controversy at home at the moment: A researcher is claiming that a "warrior" gene is being carried by a large number of Maori, which may be responsible for aggressive behaviour.
Instead of joining in on the heated discussion, here's a dog dressed as a rabbit:

August 08, 2006

what not to do

Some guy has pulled together a bunch of MAME cabinets that have serious issues.
Hopefully mine doesn't end up on there.
(Click the image to go to the site)

comic stuff

It's nice to have a laugh now and then, so those who have my sense of humour will enjoy this site (also, those who have my sense of humour are asked to return it)
The Perry Bible Fellowship

And if you've got a bit of geek in you, some of these are funny as well
Penny Arcade

August 07, 2006

a bunch of wank

Don't like walking or riding a bike to raise money for good causes? Can't bake a cake to save your ass? Most charity fundraising involves a lot of walking around selling badges or cheap rubber noses. Surely there's more fun ways to help charities!!


August 02, 2006

errr... stuff

The Vader Sessions (big file, but worth the wait)

August 01, 2006